Craig and Molly Sanborn | Cheeseball Chick | Christian Women's Speaker Minnesota

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Molly's New Book

It’s here! Cheese Balls for Jesus: Funny, Faith-Filled Stories to Encourage and Inspire is a collection of true “God Stories” from Molly’s life. She’s been sharing these stories on stage for years and now has recorded them in this hilarious and heartwarming book for all ages to enjoy. This book is great to read on your own (teens and adults) or for story-time as a family or as a small group or book club. Each chapter ends with Scripture, a prayer, and an “It’s Your Turn” prompt where you have an opportunity to reflect and respond. Whether your journey with Jesus began years ago, more recently, or not yet, this book will meet you right where you’re at and encourage you to take the next step. A perfect gift for your friends and family no matter their age or stage!