Upfront and captivating...
I am proud to recommend
Molly Sanborn.- Pam Stenzel,
National Speaker and Author
Molly would love to hear from you, so go ahead and ask anything! Keep in mind that she is not a trained physician or counselor, so her advice is just that - advice - from her heart to yours.
Got some questions? Check out these links on where to find people who will be able to answer them!
Check out Molly's schedule and see when she can come and speak for your organization!
For Molly, life is an adventure and she is convinced that it was meant to be lived that way. She is committed to helping others experience life to the fullest, and does so through her upbeat, hard hitting messages.
Molly tackles many topics, from how to "Keep Your Pants On" to "Keeping Your Eyes on Jesus". Whether teaching kids how to set boundaries and develop character or how to open their Bible and pray, Molly will bring passion and perspective, which stems from a genuine love of God and His Word. If you are inviting Molly to speak at a public school, please be assured that she understands the sensitive boundaries and will respectfully address her audience without sharing about her faith or religion.