Our Love Story
Back in February of 2008, Craig was minding his own business as a content bachelor when he received a random text from a friend he visit Molly’s website. And so the story begins.
Craig cautiously and curiously proceeded to visit Molly’s site. After perusing her site and watching her silly videos, Craig came to the conclusion that this girl was just plain crazy.
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He determined to push Molly to the back of his mind, but God saw to it that she would not be easily forgotten. Molly’s name started to pop up in conversations and different circles. Curiosity continued to plague Craig, so he decided to pay a visit to Overflow, the coffee shop Molly designed, in hopes of getting a glimpse into the life of this girl. Having not seen her the first time, Craig decided to pay one more visit to Overflow a few weeks later.
But just like Waldo, she was nowhere to be found. Not too disappointed that this mystery girl didn’t surface, he left Overflow and headed to a youth leader meeting at Bethel College. It was there that her name came up yet again. When asked by the group if he knew of this woman Molly, he answered with a quick no, feeling quite exposed that he had just come from scoping her out.
His anxiety rose when his best friend Heather mentioned she would be meeting Molly in a couple weeks. He pulled Heather aside and asked if she would do some recon work at the upcoming engagement.
Rewind a few months back. It was early in 2008 when Molly was asked by Roxy, health educator at Eden Prairie HS, to allow her the privilege of introducing her to Heather Flies, her close friend and national speaker. Roxy was excited for the insight and advice Heather could offer a budding speaker such as Molly.
In late March, Molly answered the invitation to meet with Heather, having no idea that she was also being interviewed as a prospective date for Craig Sanborn. Molly found it easy to be herself with Roxy and Heather, two fun-loving women, and got comfortable as she spilled her heart. “I don’t know if it’s me or God” Molly shared, “but I have this ever increasing desire to marry a man who is a speaker in order to do ministry together.”
Having promised to keep her mouth shut, Heather had to bite her lip to keep from screaming Craig’s name to Molly. Roxy broke the tension when she slammed her hands on the table and said, “Oh my goodness! What about Craig Sanborn?” Now free to share, Heather gushed with outstanding remarks of Craig. Although it had been years since Roxy had seen Craig, when he spoke for a class of hers, she found it easy to give a rave review.
Molly’s interest grew as they spoke so highly of his passions, integrity, and godliness . Molly’s excitement jumped a level when Roxy nearly screamed, “And Molly, he’s a virgin!” The entire restaurant was now engulfed in the story and their relationship was about to set sail.
Now with Heather as the natural “middle man”, Craig felt free to contact Molly. 3 weeks later, on April 18th, they met in the parking lot of Overflow for their first date. Little did they know it was the beginning of the rest of their life… together.
Craig proposed on September 22, 2008 next to the pond outside of Overflow. He washed Molly’s feet as a symbol of his desire to serve her for the rest of his life. She screamed an emphatic “YES!” when he popped the question.